Preventive maintenance is one of the best things you can do for your heavy equipment. Some of its benefits include reducing expenses, extending the life of your equipment, and ensuring that your company can always use more of it. Because heavy equipment maintenance can provide so much value, many savvy businesses prioritise it.
1. Extended Life
When you perform routine maintenance on your construction equipment, you keep it in tip-top shape so that it can be used for a long time without breaking down or needing major repairs. Performing preventive maintenance can keep machines running longer than those that are not regularly serviced and maintained. Longer service life is a major benefit, as it maintains productivity in the workplace and avoids downtime for repairing or replacing faulty machines.
2. Increased Safety
Generally speaking, well-maintained construction equipment is safer than neglected machinery. If equipment malfunctions at an unexpected time, a nearby worker or operator could be seriously injured. In addition, equipment failure can damage surrounding property and other materials or equipment. Routine maintenance helps you keep an eye on any potential hazards and repair problems before they become serious.
3. Reduced expenses
Unexpectedly damaged or malfunctioning equipment can incur some unexpected costs. While you can't prevent every machine breakdown, you can reduce the chances of failure through preventive maintenance. Compound failures and other major breakdowns are more likely to happen unexpectedly if you don't maintain your equipment on a regular basis. With regular maintenance, you can save money because you won't have to pay for replacement parts or lose productivity while waiting for your equipment to be repaired.
4. Reduce the risk of lawsuits
If you don't regularly maintain and repair your equipment, you face potential lawsuits. Unmaintained equipment can break down at the worst possible time, leading to accidents that injure employees or damage your building. Whether it's a lawsuit from an injured employee or a disgruntled customer, you want to avoid equipment negligence and its consequences. Having a regular maintenance schedule in place can prove that you've done your due diligence.